Know Some Decision-Impacting Facts About Lap Band Surgery

lap band surgery in Melbourne

You’ve probably heard of lap band surgery in Melbourne, but have you considered that it might be right for you? If so, then it’s time to learn more about this potential solution. Lap band surgery uses a band around the upper portion of your stomach to create an artificial pouch.

 This restricts how much food you can eat at one time, helping with weight loss. In this article we’ll take a look at some facts about lap band surgery that could help you make an informed decision about whether or not this procedure is right for you:

It’s a reversible procedure if you need to have it removed

It’s a reversible procedure if you need to have it removed.

If you’re not happy with the results of your surgery and want to get rid of the band, it can be removed through a second operation.

However, this isn’t an option for everyone: if you’re very obese or have lost more than 30 pounds since surgery, there’s a good chance that lap band removal will cause complications and make your weight gain worse. In these cases, your doctor may advise against lap band removal altogether.

The band is made of soft, flexible silicone that’s about an inch wide. It’s placed around the top portion of your stomach, where it creates a small pouch that can hold up to 5 ounces (150 ml) of fluid. The band makes it more difficult for food to pass through your stomach and slows down digestion so you feel full faster and for longer periods of time.

lap band surgery in Melbourne

It might seem like the band has slipped

The band can slip in some cases, but it is rare. If you feel like the band has slipped, you should talk to your surgeon immediately. There are several things that can help ensure that this does not happen again:

  • Your follow-up appointments will be very important to make sure everything is still in place and functioning properly.
  • You should also discuss any other concerns or issues with your surgeon so they can be addressed before they become bigger problems.

There are many reasons why your band may slip, but it is rare. If you feel like the band has slipped, you should talk to your surgeon immediately.

There are several things that can help ensure that this does not happen again: Your follow-up appointments will be very important to make sure everything is still in place and functioning properly. You should also discuss any other concerns or issues with your surgeon so they can be addressed before they become bigger problems.

It’s normal to experience some discomfort for a few days after the procedure. If you experience pain, discomfort or nausea, call your doctor. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should be evaluated by a doctor.

Some of the most common side effects of lap band surgery are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation


If you’re considering lap band surgery in Melbourne, this should help you feel more confident about the procedure and its potential benefits. Keep in mind that there is a lot of variability in terms of how patients respond to their bands and that everyone’s experience will be different.

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