Gastric Sleeve Side Effects After Surgery That You Should Be Aware Of

gastric sleeve Melbourne

Gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure that involves removing a large portion of the stomach, leaving behind a long narrow tube, or sleeve. 

This type of gastric sleeve Melbourne surgery aims to limit food intake by reducing the size of your stomach. Although gastric sleeve surgery can be effective for losing weight and improving your health, it does come with some risks and side effects. 

In this article, we will explore some common gastric sleeve side effects experienced after surgery.

Nausea and vomiting is a common side effect after gastric sleeve surgery

Nausea and vomiting are common side effects after gastric sleeve Melbourne surgery. Patients usually experience them for the first 3 to 4 days after their procedure, and they can last up to 2 weeks.

There are many causes of nausea and vomiting, but it is most commonly related to anesthetic medications used during surgery or pain medication given after surgery, especially if you haven’t had any food in your system before surgery.

You may also experience nausea and vomiting if you have eaten too much as part of your post-operative diet plan, which can cause your stomach to distend with gas that comes out as burping or flatulence. 

It’s important not to overfeed yourself because this will prolong these symptoms. Nausea and vomiting should resolve within 7-10 days post-operatively if no underlying cause exists, such as infection or bowel obstruction.

gastric sleeve Melbourne


Constipation is one of the gastric sleeve side effects experienced by some patients

Constipation is one of the gastric sleeve side effects experienced by some patients. Constipation is caused by the surgery and the type of food you eat after surgery.

Many patients have been advised to take stool softeners and fiber supplements to help prevent constipation. 

However, if you are experiencing severe or prolonged constipation after gastric sleeve surgery, it may be necessary to consult your doctor about other options, such as laxatives or enemas.

Gastric sleeve hair loss is a possible complication for some patients

While hair loss after gastric sleeve surgery is rare, it can happen. Hair loss is most common in patients who have a history of undergoing other types of bariatric surgery or have undergone gastric bypass prior to the procedure. 

It’s also more likely to occur if you smoke, drink alcohol excessively, or suffer from an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

The exact cause of hair loss after gastric sleeve Melbourne surgery is unknown; however, it’s thought to be a result of stress on the hair follicles. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to ensure your hair doesn’t fall out:

  • Eat a healthy diet rich in protein and vitamins A and B to promote healthy skin and hair growth
  • Exercise regularly so that your blood flow remains strong and nutrients are delivered properly throughout your body


In conclusion, it is important to note that not all patients will experience side effects after gastric sleeve Melbourne surgery. The good news is that most people see positive results and lose weight after the procedure. 

However, if you have any of these side effects, you must talk with your doctor about them. You should also keep in mind that there are many ways to manage these symptoms so that they do not become worse than they already are.

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