Top 3 Essential Priorities For Your Retail SEO Strategy

If you’re in the business of selling products online, according to the Sydney SEO Consultant, it’s important to have a strategy for your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. It’s not enough to simply launch your site and hope that people come. 

Instead, you need to create a deliberate plan for getting people to visit your store on their first visit by improving local search results through structured data and directing people toward long-tail keyword opportunities that can drive more traffic from organic searches.

Local Search

According to Sydney SEO Consultant, local search is very important for your retail SEO strategy. It’s different from organic search, which is the search result that comes up when someone in your area type in a keyword or phrase into Google or another search engine.

Local search results are based on users who have visited or opened an app or website at a physical location on their mobile devices, like a brick-and-mortar store or an online store selling products with physical locations (like Amazon).

Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and less competitive than broad or short-tail terms. This means that you’re more likely to rank for them, which makes it easier for customers to find your product or service. Long-tail keywords are also easier to write content around because they don’t require as much knowledge on the part of the searcher; rather, all they need is something relevant enough so that they can understand what people are searching for when using these types of phrases in their queries (e.g., “how long does it take?”).

In addition to making it easier for customers who want exactly what you offer but don’t know where else to look, long-tail keywords also help increase brand awareness within the industry itself by giving exposure through Google’s search results page (SERPs) when someone performs an advanced search query using one specific word combination from one of their favorite sites/pages across multiple sites/pages instead of just targeting one single site/page with every keyword combination possible since there aren’t many other options available besides just doing nothing at all.

Sydney SEO Consultant

Structured Data

Structured data is a set of structured formats that allow you to describe your product and its description, price, availability and more. It can be used by services like Google Shopping or Facebook Stores to better surface relevant results for consumers.

Structured data lets you easily create detailed descriptions for products and services in the form of HTML5 markup. This makes it possible for search engines such as Google or Bing to understand what exactly is being described when they index these pieces of content so that they can display them accordingly on their result pages (and make money).

For example: If I were selling shoes online but didn’t have any type of storefront page setup yet (or even worse: no website), then I could use this format instead since it already has all the necessary information required one would need from a business owner looking at this type of service directory site!


In summary, there are three essential priorities for your retail SEO strategy: local search, structured data, and long-tail keywords. According to the Sydney SEO Consultant, by focusing on these basic elements of your strategy and keeping them in mind throughout the year, you can ensure that your company’s online presence remains strong and continues to attract new customers.

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