The Types of Keywords That Will Boost Your SEO


Keywords are the foundation of effective SEO. They make it easier for people to find your content, and they help search engines understand what your site is about. However, the SEO services experts’ team came up with more than one type of keyword, which means that not all keywords are created equal. In this article, I’ll explain the four main types of keywords and how each one affects your SEO efforts.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and descriptive. A long-tail keyword is a search query that consists of three or more words, which can be any combination of the five types of words. 

For example, if you search for “best marketing strategy,” users will see your website in the results. But if you create content around long-tail keywords like “best SEO strategies for small businesses” or “how to write good copy for PPC campaigns,” then your chances of being found by users increase dramatically.

Why? SEO services experts’ team suggest that people tend to use longer queries when they’re looking for something specific—and they tend to spend more money on products that are relevant to their search terms (i.e., the ones that match their query). In other words: Longer searches mean better conversions!

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords are keywords that have fewer than 5 words. These keywords are much easier to rank for because they’re less competitive.

As a result, it’s easier to target the right audience and optimise your site for the most relevant keyword phrases.

Short-tail keywords are also much easier to track than long-tail ones, which makes them a great starting point if you’re new to SEO or just want an easy win without spending all day looking at search engine results pages (SERPs).



Geo-Targeting Keywords

Geo-targeting keywords are the best way to target local customers. Keyword research tools like Google Trends will help you find out what people are searching for locally. In this example, “best restaurants in NZ” could be used as a geo-targeting keyword because it’s specific enough that it won’t bring irrelevant results from across the country and around the world. 

If a user searches for “best restaurants” without specifying where they live or where they want to go eat dinner, then there’s no guarantee that your restaurant will show up on their list of search results (this is true even if all of your competitors use similar terms).

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a method of analysing the relationship between keywords. LSI keywords are words that are related to each other in meaning, not necessarily synonyms or the same word.

For example, if you search for “white iphone 4s” on Google and click on an ad, it might be for a white iPhone 4S case or other accessories. This doesn’t happen by accident—it’s because your search has triggered what’s called latent semantic indexing (LSI).

When you use LSI keywords in your content, it helps make sure that Google knows what topics you’re talking about so it can understand how to rank each piece of content appropriately within its search results pages (SERPs).

Brand-Specific Keywords

One of the best ways to boost your SEO is by targeting brand-specific keywords. These are phrases that are related to a specific company, product or service and can be used to target specific customers.

Brand-specific keywords tend to be more expensive than generic ones because they’re so specific, but if you run an e-commerce site, it’s worth investing in them.

By using brand-specific keywords, you’ll be able to reach people who have been searching for your product or service specifically. You’ll also get traffic from people who are researching similar products or services that you offer; this is what SEO services experts’ means that even if someone doesn’t buy from you directly, they may go on to buy from another business in the same industry!

Relevant Keywords

Relevant keywords are the most important factor in SEO. They are so important, in fact, that they should be a top priority when creating a new website and updating old sites.

Relevance is measured by:

  • The relevance of your page to the keyword you’re targeting (on-page relevance)
  • How relevant your keyword is to the user looking for it (user intent)
  • How relevant your website’s content is to what people are searching for (contextual relevancy)

You cannot control everything about search engines—you can’t even control everything about users! But you do have some control over how well-positioned you are within their algorithms and indexing systems. And if you want better rankings on Google or Bing, then digital marketing nz agency suggests that relevancy must be at least one of your top priorities.


SEO is a complicated topic, and there are countless factors that affect how well your website ranks in search engines. One of the most important factors is the choice of keywords you use in your content. If you want to rank well for a particular term or phrase, then it’s important that those terms frequently appear throughout your site–both in headlines and body copy.

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