Intimate Affair: Choosing the Right Event Space for Small Gatherings

function venues melbourne

It’s no secret that planning an event is hard. There are a lot of moving parts, from finding the right event space hire Melbourne to ensuring that everyone has fun. It doesn’t help that people tend to underestimate how much work goes into an event; until it’s too late and their party is a total flop!

If you want to avoid this fate and make sure your gathering goes off without any major hiccups, then check out these tips for choosing the right intimate gathering space:

Researching the Venue

When you’re looking for event space hire Melbourne, it’s important to research the space and the company that owns it. Here are some things you should do:

  • Check out their website. You can learn a lot about a venue from its website and social media pages.
  • Ask about prices and availability during your initial call with someone from the company; then follow up with an email asking more specific questions about food options or A/V equipment availability before booking anything.

Understanding the Layout of the Space

When you’re deciding on a space, it’s important to consider how you will use the space. This can mean everything from how many people you want to invite and what kind of food and drink they’ll be served, as well as what kind of furniture is available. A few questions to ask yourself:

  • How many people do I want in my intimate affair?
  • What kind of lighting do I need?
  • Is there an audio system already set up or will I need one brought in from elsewhere?
  • Will there be any special flooring requirements (e.g., carpeting or wood floors)? If so, make sure this information is conveyed when booking with your venue!

function venues melbourne

Hiring Equipment and Staff

If you’re searching space for a small gathering or function space Melbourne, there are a few things to consider when it comes to hiring equipment and staff.

  • A sound system. If you want music at your event, make sure you have enough speakers or subwoofers set up so that guests can hear everything clearly throughout the space. Also, be sure not to block any exits with speakers or other equipment!
  • Bartender/bar setup. You might not need alcohol if everyone is over 21 years old and has their own drinks; having an on-hand bartender can make things more convenient for everyone involved by providing them with options.

Atmosphere and Ambiance

When you’re planning an intimate affair, you want to create a space that is warm and welcoming. This means paying attention to the details and making sure that your event space has the right atmosphere.

The ambiance is important because it sets the tone for your function space Melbourne and gives guests an idea of what they can expect from it.


If you’re looking for the perfect intimate event space hire Melbourne, we hope these tips have given you some ideas on where to start. Remember that the most important thing is finding a venue that fits your needs and style. Take your time with research, ask around, and make sure there are no hidden fees involved before signing any contracts.

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