Friendly Tips To Rank Your SEO Blog Post

seo Adelaide services

Getting a blog post to rank well in search engines is a difficult and time-consuming task. However, if you have an SEO Adelaide blog post that ranks high, it can bring your business many benefits such as increased traffic, higher conversion rates and more leads for your business.

 So, how do you make sure that your SEO blog posts get on top of the search engine results page (SERP)? Here are some helpful tips:

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a critical part of your SEO strategy, and it’s the first step to understanding the needs and interests of your target audience. 

You can use Google Keyword Planner (GKP) to run a search volume report for keywords related to your content topic. If you don’t have access to GKP, check out Ubersuggest or Keyword Tool Dominator instead.

Find Long Tail Keywords

One of the most effective ways to land a high search ranking is by using long tail keywords. These are more specific and targeted, meaning that they have less competition. By having less competition, your chances of ranking for them are greater because there’s less competition for these terms.

To find these keywords, research the most popular searches in your industry and/or niche. You can do this by checking out what other blogs and websites are ranking for and follow the same strategies they’re using! 

Once you’ve found some long tail keywords that you’d like to target, try adding them into your blog post titles or meta descriptions — with appropriate variations on each so that Google sees them as different enough from one another that they won’t penalise you.

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Improve Site Load Time

The first thing you can do to improve the load time of your blog posts is to get your images, videos and other files hosted on a content delivery network (CDN). 

CDNs are networks of servers all around the world that distribute your website’s static assets to viewers based on their location. This way, if people are coming from different countries or different parts of the world, they won’t have to download the same image file repeatedly.

It’s also important that you optimize these static assets so they’re as small as possible without losing quality or clarity. The smaller their size is, the faster they’ll load for visitors who are far away or have slow connections.


There are many different things you can do to rank your blog post. The most important thing is to use the right keywords and make sure that your content is high quality. Hire the reputed SEO adelaide services for further help.

The other tips listed above are also important, but keyword research and creating quality content should be at the top of your list if you want to rank well in search engines.

The more you write about a subject, and the more people link to your post, the better chance you have of ranking well in search engines. 

It’s also important that you optimise these static assets, so they’re as small as possible without losing quality or clarity. The smaller their size is, the faster they’ll load for visitors who are far away or have slow connections. 

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