Why Home Extensions May Be Far Cheaper Than Moving House?

Home Builders

The dream of having extra space in your home can be a costly one. You might think that building or extending your house is going to be costly but this isn’t always the case. In fact, it could actually be cheaper than moving house!

So if you’re thinking about buying a new property or looking at custom home builders mornington peninsula for an extension, let us take you through some of the ways in which an extension could mean more bang for your buck.

Avoidance of Transaction Costs

The costs of moving house can be a big consideration when deciding whether to extend or move. If you’re moving, there are lots of things to think about: paying for removal vans and storage units, buying furniture and decorating materials at the new place.

If you’re extending instead, there’s no need for any of this — just pay for some extra floor space!

Extending your home can also save on transaction costs like estate agent fees and stamp duty (which is charged on property purchases).

Ability to Spread Costs Over Time

If you’re thinking of extending your home, you may be able to use the money in your savings account to pay for it. You can also borrow money from a bank or other lender.

If you’re using savings to fund an extension, then hiring builders mornington peninsula will be a lot cheaper than moving house altogether.

Home Builders

The main reason is because when you move house, all of your existing furniture and possessions have to be transported across town or even further away – which means spending more on transport costs (and possibly hiring professional movers). Hiring custom home builders mornington peninsula can help your spread cost over time.

Increased Property Value

One of the biggest benefits of extending your home is that it can increase the value of your property. This means that if you ever decide to sell, or even remortgage, the extra space will make a big difference in how much money you receive for it and enable you to borrow more money against it (i.e., get a bigger mortgage).

The added value also helps if there are plans in place for an estate sale as part of an inheritance process: with more rooms available on completion of works, there may be room for more items than originally planned – potentially allowing more beneficiaries access before having to dispose elsewhere!

Cost of Moving

Moving is a big expense than hiring custom home builders mornington peninsula for home extension. It’s not just the cost of hiring a removal company and moving your belongings, but also includes storage costs, buying new furniture and all the hassle involved with moving house.

The cost of moving can be avoided by building an extension on your existing property. The advantages of this are that it will give you more space without having to relocate or sell your home and there are no additional fees for selling your old house because it remains yours throughout construction.


In conclusion, home extensions are a great way to increase the size of your home without having to move.

They can be done at a fraction of the cost of moving house and will give you more space without any hassle or stress involved. So,what are you waiting for? Hire builders mornington peninsula today and talk about your home extensions task.


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