What are future markets, and how do they work in Sydney?

futures trading australia

A future market is a financial market in which contracts are traded between investors to purchase or sell a particular asset at a predetermined price on a specific date in the future. These contracts can be used to hedge risk or speculate on the movements of prices.

The two most common types of futures contracts

The two most common types of futures contracts are agricultural commodities and financial instruments. Agricultural commodity contracts usually involve the sale of a physical good, such as wheat, pork bellies, or gold bullion. Financial instrument contracts usually involve the sale of a derivative, such as a stock future or interest rate future.

The types of future markets

There are two types of futures markets: Futures and Options. Futures markets involve trading an actual physical commodity, such as wheat, pork bellies, crude oil, or gold. On the other hand, options markets involve the trading of contracts that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a set price on or before a specific date.

Where can you trade futures in Australia?

The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) is Australia’s only licensed commodities exchange. It offers futures and options contracts on over 30 commodities, including wheat, barley, beef, pork, wool and gold.

Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) is Australia’s only licensed commodities exchange and offers futures and options contracts on over 30 different commodities, including wheat, barley, beef, pork, wool and gold. The SFE also offers derivatives contracts on the S&P/ASX 200 Index, which track the performance of Australia’s largest stocks.

How traders use futures and options contracts

The futures market in Sydney can be used to hedge risk or speculate on the movements of prices. Hedgers use futures contracts to protect themselves from price fluctuations in the future. For example, a wheat farmer might use a futures contract to sell wheat at a fixed price to protect himself from falling prices later in the year.

Speculators use futures contracts to make bets on the movements of prices. For example, a speculator might buy a futures contract for wheat in anticipation of rising prices. If the price of wheat rises, the speculator will profit from the difference between the price he paid for the contract and the price he sold it. If the price of wheat falls, however, the speculator will lose money.


The options market can be used to hedge risk or speculate on the movements of prices. Hedgers use options contracts to protect themselves from price fluctuations in the future. For example, a wheat farmer might use an options contract to purchase wheat at a fixed price to protect himself from rising prices later in the year.

Speculators use options contracts to make bets on the movements of prices. For example, a speculator might buy an options contract to sell wheat at a fixed price, anticipating falling prices. If the price of wheat falls, the speculator will profit from the difference between the price he paid for the contract and the price he sold it. If the price of wheat rises, however, the speculator will lose money.

How are futures prices determined?

Futures prices in Australia are determined by supply and demand. When more people want to buy a particular futures contract than sell it, the price increases; when more people want to sell a particular futures contract than buy it, the price goes down. Traders can use futures prices to predict the direction of the underlying asset. For example, if the price of a wheat futures contract is going up, it’s likely that the price of wheat is also going up.


The futures market is a complex financial instrument that traders can use to trade various assets. The futures market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week in Sydney. Beginner traders in Sydney interested in futures trading australia should contact a reliable and reputable online broker from Saxo Bank.

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