Safety Advice and Guidelines for Purchasing and Using a Trampoline

Trampolines are a fantastic source of exercise and family fun, but they can also be a risky place to play. With the right precautions in place, your children can enjoy bouncing safely on their trampoline for years – and you’ll be able to breathe easily knowing they’re safe while doing it!

  • Be aware of the risks and choose carefully

Trampolines are a fun way to exercise, but they can also be dangerous. Injuries from trampolines are common and often serious. The best trampoline in nz can cause death. Trampolines do not belong in the yard of an apartment building or condominium complex.

Children under 6 years of age should not use a trampoline at any time with adult supervision only after they have been taught how to safely bounce with feet below knees and arms relaxed by sides; without jumping into springs, springs must be removed for younger children; older children should not use if overweight (more than 150 pounds); if you have heart problems or high blood pressure avoid use; talk to your doctor if you have had surgery on any part of body within 6 months or suspect there may be some nerve damage due to previous injury caused by collision with other player or falling off equipment during playtime activities.

  • Buy the right size

Buy the right size. You will want to measure the space you have and how many people will be using it. For example, if there are a lot of kids running around, you may need a larger trampoline than if they are more sedate. Also, consider the age of your kids; younger ones will be more active than teenagers and adults. These factors should help you decide what size trampoline is best for your family’s needs.

  • Buy quality

You’ll want to make sure you buy a 12ft trampoline that is well made and has a good reputation. Check the quality of the stitching, springs and frame before making a purchase. It should also have safety features like a safety net or enclosure so that your kids aren’t tempted to jump off it. Make sure that your trampoline can hold up over time, especially if you plan on using it for many years! Make sure you check out the warranty and weight limit as well; this will help determine whether or not this product is right for your family’s needs!

best trampoline in nz

Buy well-designed safety gear

The next step in keeping your family safe is buying the right safety gear.

  • Trampoline Safety Netting: This is a mesh webbing that covers the frame of the trampoline, keeping people from falling off. Some trampolines come with netting included; others require you to purchase it separately. Your chosen model should have a minimum 6-foot height and be constructed from strong materials like nylon or polyethylene so that it doesn’t rip easily or break down over time.
  • Trampoline Safety Pads: Also known as springs, these cushions are essential for absorbing an impact when someone jumps on your trampoline—without them, users would land directly on the metal frame of their unit instead! If a spring ever breaks off during use (a common occurrence), make sure you immediately replace it before allowing anyone else onto your product again; otherwise they could fall through holes in between springs and injure themselves badly enough to need medical attention

Choose a safe location and surface

  • Make sure the trampoline is on a level surface. If you are using a wooden deck, make sure the deck is free of holes or gaps that could cause the trampoline to shift when jumping.
  • Keep in mind that if your yard has slopes, it is best to keep them clear so your child won’t slip off and land on the ground instead of with feet planted firmly on their trampoline mat.
  • Do not place your trampoline near any trees, plants or shrubs because these can become entangled in springs or ropes and pull them away from each other which may damage them further or potentially cause injury if someone falls from their height when playing outside during summertime months when kids tend to play more outdoors than indoors (due mostly due to warmer temperatures).
  • Put down a fall mat as well as padding over the springs.

The safest way to use a trampoline is to put down a fall mat as well as padding over the springs. The mat should be at least 3mm thick and have an enclosed safety enclosure with no gaps or holes.

The minimum size for the fall mat is 9 feet in diameter when fully inflated to its recommended height, which is usually 6 inches above ground level, but will vary depending on what type of trampoline you own. A good rule of thumb is that if someone can step over it without bending down, it’s probably too small – so make sure it’s large enough!

As a parent, you are probably already aware that trampolines can be dangerous if safety guidelines aren’t followed. But if you don’t have much experience with trampolines, it may be difficult to know where to start when making your purchase. A trampoline is not a toy; it’s an investment in your children’s safety and fun

  • Trampolines should only be used by children ages six or older
  • Adult supervision is required at all times when operating or riding on the unit in question
  • Keep pets off of the unit at all times unless specifically instructed otherwise by an authorized representative from [company/brand]


In conclusion, we hope that the information above has helped you to make an informed decision about purchasing the best trampoline in nz for your family. We’ve provided some useful tips and guidelines on how to choose the right one for your needs, as well as what safety precautions are necessary to take when using it. Remember – if in doubt at all about safety risks or injuries caused by jumping on this type of equipment, always consult with a professional first!

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